How to Get Rid Of a Cough with Simple Tips

Have you ever had a cold or a terrible allergy attack where the phlegm at the back of your throat accumulated so much that you felt like you were coughing up your lungs every minute of every day? The worse part is at night, where the cough may even keep you from sleeping, and your muscles can ache so much the next morning from the endless heaving and hacking. Because of all this suffering, you may be desperately wondering how to get rid of a cough.

Having a cough is one of the most annoying parts of getting sick, and it can certainly take a toll on the body. The coughing is usually caused by irritation due to particulates that are in your throat, often secretions produced by your own body as a defense mechanism against the germs that are invading it. To get rid of this foreign material that tickles your throat and finds its way to the edge of your epiglottis (the hatch where the air goes in), there are many methods that you might use. You could wait it out, since your body will usually get over the sickness, you can use over the counter medication—or, alternatively, you might use some simple, natural home remedies that can get rid of that hacking cough. In this article, we’re going to explore how to get rid of a cough the natural way.

How To Get Rid Of A Cough With Simple Tips

Take Steamy Showers, and you can add numerous essential oils that will impart wonderful healing benefits. This can help soothe congestion and open your airways as well as help fight off bacteria or viruses.

Use a Humidifier: Keeping a humidifier running to moisten air will also help a dry cough/itchy throat.

Avoid drink milk: Milk may generate more mucus or phlegm and more irritating to your throat.

Do not smoke: Lung’s cilia help to move toxins through your lungs to protect them, but smoking paralyzes the cilia so the toxins just settle into your lungs, which causes an inflamed reaction. Coughing is the way your lungs try to get rid of all the toxins from smoke.

Stay Hydrated: drink minimum 8 glasses of water daily: hydrates and helps to thin the mucus.

Place hot packs on the chest and throat for a soothing effect

Avoid very dry environments and cold air: Both of these situations can cause dry and arid throat.

Do not swallow the phlegm because can contain bacteria (or viruses)

Sleep With the Head Elevated: This will allow your sinuses and nasal passages to drain better and not create that “tickle” in your throat.