Best Foods To Relieve UTI Symptoms

Urinary tract infections are certainly no fun, and are caused by bacteria invading your urinary system. UTI symptoms include pain near the organs of your excretory system, a burning feeling when you void, and cloudy urine. The bacteria can find its way into your urethra through a number of ways, including unsanitary toilet conditions, vigorous sex, or recent use of a catheter.

UTI’s are not only annoying, however, they can be dangerous if left untreated since they can spread to your kidneys, which are extremely vital organs; this is especially true if your immune system is compromised in any way, so always go to a doctor if you suspect that you may have a UTI. While your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help relieve the symptoms of this sometimes painful sickness, you may want to consider treating the symptoms in the meantime to avoid the pain.

A few ways to treat UTI symptoms at home is to eat the right kinds of foods, especially fruits. You’ve probably already heard about cranberries and how they have properties that help keep your urinary system flowing properly. If you’re not into cranberries, that’s fine as well, since there are other foods that can help you find relief that you can read about below.

What is an Urinary tract infection (UTI)?
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria or other infectious organisms invade any part of the urinary tract.
Are infections of the urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis) and kidney (pyelonephritis) generally triggered by bacteria.

What are the most common UTI symptoms?

Symptoms of bladder infections:

An untreated bladder infection can spread to the kidneys.

Symptoms of kidney infections:

Best Foods To Relieve UTI Symptoms:

Cranberries in juice or capsules:Rich in flavonols such as epicatechin and proanthocyanidin that prevents bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder and consequently the bacteria get flushed out with the urine. The effect is due not to the highly acidic nature of cranberries but to specific compounds in cranberries that inhibit the adherence of Escherichia coli (bacteria) to uroepithelial cells.

Bearberries (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi):It has been proven effective against E. coli and other urinary pathogens. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Contains a substance called arbutin, which is converted in the urine to hydroquinone, a urinary antiseptic. Uva ursi is a natural diuretic that flushes out the kidneys.
Please note that if you use uva ursi regularly, you will need to replenish potassium, which can be lost when you lose fluid.Can slightly irritate the kidneys and upset your stomach if used for more than a week.
Extract take 30 to 40 drops, 3-5 times per day.
Half a tablespoon dried herb per cup of water. Infusion for 10 minutes. Drink 2 cups a day.

Celery seeds (Apium graveolens):acts as a diuretic and powerful detoxifying agent.
Chewing a handful of celery seeds once or twice a day can help increase the production of urine.

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana): Acts as a bactericidal. Contains allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), that has a strong antimicrobial effect and attacks the cellular membrane of the bacterium, making it impossible to be viable or survive.
Take 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Probiotics: Probiotics produce bacteria-inhibiting substances (natural antibiotics) and prevent harmful bacteria from attaching to vaginal, urinary, and intestinal tract mucosal linings. May be particularly helpful if you have recently been taking antibiotics for a UTI as antibiotics are known to destroy probiotic bacteria in the intestines.
Eat fermented foods like probiotic yogurt, kefir or miso, containing probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, three times a week.

Asparagus:contains vitamin C that has antibacterial effect and reduces inflammation.The diuretic and alkaline properties increase urine production and help prevent or dissolve stones in the kidney and bladder. Also boosts the immune system. Rich in vitamin A (promotes healthy mucous membranes of the urinary tract) and vitamin K (effective at preventing bleeding in urine).
Eating more Asparagus is a great way to decrease your risk of recurring UTIs.

Kale: Kale is chock-full of pro-vitamin A, beta-carotene known to promote healthy surface linings of the urinary tract. Also rich in vitamin C (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial) and vitamin K (effective at preventing bleeding in urine).
Eating more kale is a great way to decrease your risk of recurring UTIs.

Garlic (allium sativum): a powerful antibiotic and antifungal agent prevents bacterial infections. Many studies found that garlic is effective against resistant bacteria associated with urinary tract infections (UTI) where antibiotic therapy has limited or no effect. Also has anti-inflammatory properties and boosts the immune system.
You have to consume pills or raw garlic, not cooked garlic. Peel a clove of garlic and crush then swallow it with lots of water.